MTD: For a Growing World.

In many areas and places across the world, turfgrass (natural grass) is being replaced with artificial turf. Many believe artificial turf is beneficial for a community based on maintenance and durability claims. Take a look at some of the reasons below why natural grass is beneficial to both you and the greater community:


Captures water runoff and dust in the air

Having the right turfgrass for your specific climate can eliminate negative effects from water overuse and other harmful practices. Natural grass cover captures polluted storm water runoff and reduces soil erosion, preventing sediment from entering rivers, lakes and seas. Plus, it acts like a sponge, absorbing diseases from airborne dust and particulate matter.


Lessens the "heat island" effect

Urban areas generally have higher temperatures than rural areas, creating a "heat island". Lawns and other green spaces have a natural cooling power that lessens this effect. Planting turfgrass in these communities can reduce energy consumption, water evaporation, air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.


Reduces carbon emissions

A well-managed lawn can capture more carbon than is produced by the engine of today's lawn mower. Plus, grass clippings act like a fertiliser that can provide up to one-third of the annual feeding requirements for a lawn - naturally.


Boosts oxygen in the air

Turfgrass is second only to forests in capturing carbon and producing oxygen. A 1.27m x 1.27m lawn can generate enough oxygen for a family of four.



  • Turfgrass adds more than just beauty to our lives - it adds to our mental and physical health. In some cases, it has been shown that people recover faster and require less pain medication when their hospital room has a landscape view.